By the end of this project, CCE and its partners hope to make monkfish a popular and desirable staple of any seafood market or dinner table. Regionwide success in this regard will not only breathe life into a once-lucrative fishery, but also support local fishermen and businesses, reduce the carbon footprint, and reduce commercial fishing pressure on other heavily fished sought-after species. With so many potential benefits attached to monkfish, this may very well be the golden goose that Northeast’s commercial fishery needs.
‘Choose Local Fish’ Initiative Promotes Demand For Fish and Shellfish Sourced On Long Island
Keeping LI’s fishing industry sustainable
How Long Island restaurants are making porgy, sea robin and skate sexy again | Newsday
Local fish and wine tasting in Port Jeff
Local FISH Newsletter 4/2/21
Featured Recipe - Lime Cilantro Jalepeno Whole Roasted Black Sea Bass
We’re sure many of you have cooked fish filets or steaks in the past, but have you ever prepared whole roasted fish? Although preparing whole fish can be intimidating to some, this method of preparation has been used for centuries. Keeping the fish whole will ensure that the flesh remains nice and moist and less likely to dry out. And to top it all off, it is very easy to prepare. We use black sea bass in this recipe but you can use many other local species as well! Let’s see how Culinary Nutritionist, Stefanie Sacks, does it!
Featured Species - Black Sea Bass
“The black sea bass fishery in the U.S. operates from Maine to Florida. Black sea bass are found in association with structured habitats. They migrate offshore and south in the fall, returning north and inshore to coastal areas and bays in spring. The black sea bass fishery predominantly uses trawls or rod and reel, but other gear includes longline, handline, pot, trap, gillnet, spear, and dredge. The market for black sea bass is for human consumption. U.S. wild-caught black sea bass is a smart seafood choice because it is sustainably managed and responsibly harvested under U.S. regulations.”
Featured Fish Market - The Clamman (Southampton)
Our Fish Market of the Week is The Clamman in Southampton.
The CLAM MAN is a full service seafood market, specialty grocery store, kitchen and caterer specializing in clambakes. Right now they have local fluke, flounder, sea scallops, cod, clams and oysters. They also carry delicious sides, salads, soups, produce and more. Stop by and pick up everything you need for tonight's seafood dinner.
The Clam Man is located at 235 North Sea Road in Southampton. Call 631-283-6669

Featured Cornell Fisheries Team Project - Derelict Lobster Pot Removal Program
We here at the Cornell Cooperative Extension Fisheries Team do more than promote Local F.I.S.H. We have several projects that we are working on at the same time! Today we’re highlighting our derelict lobster removal program.
Since 2010, Cornell Cooperative Extension’s (CCE) Marine Program has conducted several research projects to remove derelict/abandoned lobster traps in the Long Island Sound (LIS) at the ports of Mattituck, Mount Sinai and Northport. The successes of the projects were manifested through the cooperation of the lobster industry through the completion of surveys, planning sessions of operation field plans, and executing the fieldwork. These programs proved that a substantial quantity of derelict lobster traps have accumulated in the LIS and need to be removed.
While these traps not only contribute to the ongoing problems associated with marine debris, a significant number of them are still catching lobsters and are thus adding to the “fishing effort” for lobsters in LIS. CCE data shows that 20% of the derelict lobster traps recovered had one or more lobsters in them and of this 20%, 4% of the lobsters were dead. This is known as “ghost fishing”.
Welcome to our revamped news page!
Welcome to the newly revamped Choose Local F.I.S.H. news page! We’re developing this page to better inform you, the consumer, about several of our ongoing program offerings! Click the link to see more!
Read moreCCE Receives USDA Funding To Continue "Choose Local F.I.S.H." Local Seafood Marketing and Education Program
Cornell Cooperative Extension is excited to announce that the USDA has funded the continuation of the "Choose Local F.I.S.H." local seafood marketing and education program on Long Island! We look forward to providing you with tons of important information regarding local seafood through this page and our soon-to-be updated website
We will be looking to collaborate with fishermen, seafood retailers, distributors, CSA/CSF programs, restaurants, and any seafood industry members wanting to expand their marketing strategies and promotions, host local seafood cooking demonstrations, attend "Seafood Literacy" presentations and so much more. Contact CCE Fisheries Specialist Kristin Gerbino at to discuss this opportunity.
Cornell program promotes buying local fish →
07/29/2017 6:00 AM
A fluke taco caught and prepared by Southold Fish Market to promote freshly caught local seafood. (Credit: Cornell Cooperative Extension courtesy photo)
The marine program operated by Cornell Cooperative Extension of Suffolk County received a grant of $65,000 to launch its Local F.I.S.H. project, which promotes eating fish caught locally on Long Island.
Local F.I.S.H. — which stands for fresh, indigenous, sustainable and healthy — received the funding in December from the New York Farm Viability Institute, a grant-making agency supported primarily by New York State, and the project is ready to launch with the summer fishing season. Cornell has partnered in this effort with several North Fork fisheries, including Blue Moon Fish in Mattituck, Braun Seafood in Cutchogue, PE & DD Seafood’s Little Fish Shop in Riverhead and Southold Fish Market.
“We’re marketing local seafood because 90 percent of the seafood that people eat in the United States is imported,” CCE fisheries specialist Jacqueline Wilson said. “We’re trying to work with fisherman to help them enhance their businesses.”
Local fisheries will receive help in promoting their businesses online as well as through tastings around Long Island. A Taste and Tour event, for example, will be held Friday, Aug. 18, the Suffolk County Marine Environmental Learning Center in Southold.
“It would be great if people would buy local fish because it’s fresher, for one thing; it’s better for the planet,” Stephanie Villani of Blue Moon Fish said. “It’s helping the local fishing community. It’s nice to have the local support.”
Ms. Wilson said buying local fish is important, noting that fish imported into the country can be a week to two weeks old by the time it’s consumed, but buying locally ensures that it’s only a day or so old.
“It was very easy to match up with this because it’s something we do anyway,” Kenneth Homan of Braun Seafood said. “We’ve been promoting local fish. We want to help the local fishermen and it helps the community.”
More information can be found at
Photo caption: A fluke taco caught and prepared by Southold Fish Market to promote freshly caught local seafood. (Credit: Cornell Cooperative Extension courtesy photo)
Help for Seafood Marketing →
July 13, 2017 - 12:55pm
Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele Jr. and State Senator Kenneth P. LaValle have sponsored legislation that would set up a seafood marketing task force to promote the marketing and sustainability of seafood landed in New York State waters.
The legislation, passed last month, requires Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo’s signature to become law. Mr. Thiele said last week that he hoped that would happen before summer’s end.
Along with promoting the marketing and sustainability of New York seafood, the task force would provide the governor and Legislature with a report of its progress and findings, addressing research, marketing, expansion, and funding opportunities. Its intent is to stimulate the economy and create jobs for coastal communities.
In addition, the task force is intended to help New York’s commercial fishermen compete with those of other coastal states; Massachusetts and Rhode Island have established similar entities.
A request from the Cornell Cooperative Extension initiated the legislation, Mr. Thiele said. “I see all this married together into one effort to promote the product and create demand for product, particularly locally,” he said. “Increasing demand for product is good for commercial fishermen. Another part of it is, we compete with these other states.”
“There’s been regional interest on a state-by-state basis to promote local seafood,” said John Scotti, a marine educator at the extension who proposed legislation creating a task force to Mr. Thiele. “I think it’s an outgrowth of the local-food movement. Sometimes there’s an opportune time for an idea. Right now, we see that consumer demand is all about ‘local.’ ”
Along with competition from neighboring states, New York’s commercial fishing industry competes with imported seafood, which constitutes more than 80 percent of the seafood consumed in the United States, according to an estimate by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
“There are some issues relative to seafood imports,” Mr. Scotti said. “One has to do with depressing local product. But it’s also very often mislabeled and unregulated.”
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631-324-0002 ext. 118
Encouraging New Yorkers to eat more locally caught seafood →
Jul 12 2017 07:02PM EDT
NEW YORK (FOX 5 NEWS) - Captain Phil Karlin may call it work but when he is on the water it never feels that way. His job relies on catching and then selling local seafood.
We didn't go far before pulling fish pots to catch blackfish. Next, we set the net.
"The local fish can't be beat. It's fresh off the boat to the market," said Karlin, who has been fishing for fifty years.
A new Cornell Cooperative Extension project, Choose Local F.I.S.H. (short for fresh, indigenous, sustainable, healthy), is promoting local seafood and highlighting underutilized species, such as sea robins and porgies.
"People need to taste them. They make fish tacos out of them," said Jacqueline Wilson of Cornell Cooperative Extension. "They're delicious white meat and an alternative to the import of tilapia."
Believe it or not, experts say 90 percent of seafood consumed by Americans is imported from other countries. The U.S. has strict regulations to ensure locally harvested fish is sustainable.
From the Sound to the Southold Fish Market, freshly caught fish is filleted. Owner Charlie Manwaring said fishermen are the backbones of the business. Now more so than ever before they're emphasizing the local fish many of us aren't familiar with.
"We have blue fish, which is less desirable, but people are starting to like it, skate is another one, people look at it but after they eat it they like it," Manwaring said. "Sand shark is another one. You take it and fry it with a little garlic sauce on it. It's really good."
For more information on where to buy or how to cook local seafood, visit

Cornell program aims to promote locally caught fish →
By Mark Harrington
July 4, 2017 10:22 PM
The Cornell Cooperative Extension’s Marine Program has received a $65,000 state grant to help promote locally caught seafood as a viable alternative to fish imported from other countries, which now composes more than 90 percent of U.S. seafood consumption.
The grant from the New York Farm Viability Institute is funding local fish tastings; helping with business plans for local fishermen and women; offering promotions; and providing nutritional information and educational programs for customers and fishermen.
Cornell will lead the program, said Jacqueline Wilson, a Cornell fisheries specialist.
Local fish is “fresh, it tastes a lot better, and it supports the local economy,” said Wilson. “We have a huge fishing community out here on Long Island and we want to support it.”
Ten fisheries specialists at Cornell already are at work on the program, which includes marketing materials in stores to highlight locally caught fish. Fishermen will get help launching Facebook pages and other marketing programs, Wilson said.
The program has hosted tastings at Braun Seafood in Cutchogue and PE & DD Seafood’s Little Fish Shop in Riverhead, and more are planned through the rest of the year, including at Southold Fish Market.
A fundraiser is planned for Southampton Town’s Tiana Beach Bayside facility for July 14, and exhibits are in the works for the Montauk Lighthouse and the new Long Island Expressway welcome center, Wilson said.
The program will also promote what Cornell calls “underutilized” fish that are not commonly consumed, to help spur new markets. These include dog fish, sea robins, skates and scup.
Fishermen said the Cornell effort will provide a needed boost.
“It benefits us a lot when the local community buys local fish,” said Riverhead fisherman Phil Karlin, who also operates the Little Fish Shop there. He said the majority of his customers are older than 55, suggesting that a younger generation of fish consumers hasn’t been fully developed locally.
Cornell has launched a Facebook page and the website to support the effort, featuring a local fish market locator, recipes and upcoming events.